Says the Red Rider as he steps off his High Horse, "John doesn't know what to say or offer for his first BLOGGER entry, so he asked me to speak on his behalf. Right now, he's away unclogging a shower drain that was puking brown water and particles of shit out into the basin of the bathtub. His sister's 16th birthday is this week, and he wants to get her a present but is clueless on what to get a 16 year old girl ---- much less dumbfounded by the fact that she is turning sixteen. He hasn't bathed today, and his dirty laundry is reaching the point of no return. Still, he's going out to eat with his lady tonight at a new organic restaurant that sounds delicious. The city outside has been drenched in rain all day, and it's unusually dark for this hour. Soon he'll be leaving to drudge through the rain to catch the train - he doesn't mind not having a car, and wearing his shoe soles thin. For now, there's heat coming from the furnace underneath the window in the bedroom, and he still misses Kurt Cobain."
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